SHL offer the complete building service package, from design to installation and maintenance.

SHL provide a complete electrical installation and
maintenance service.
This department works closely with both our
mechanical installation and service/maintenance
departments, thus enabling us to offer the complete
M&E package.
Listed below are categories of work which we are
able to provide.
New installation of boiler houses including
BMS systems and control panels.
New installations and rewiring of school buildings, commercial offices, factories and domestic dwellings.
Inspection and testing of Electrical Installations
Electrical testing of Building Wiring.
Portable appliance testing.
Analysis and repair of electrical faults on heating and ventilation plant.
Periodic testing of properties and remedial works carried out to bring installations up to current standards.
All electricians are directly employed, qualified to I.E.E. 17th Edition and 2391 Inspection and Testing.
All employees are fully conversant with all current Health and Safety legislation.


Contact Us
Units 5 & 12 Forbes Business Park
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 7AR
Telephone: 0330 999 247 7
Email: helpdesk@shlservices.co.uk